The government said the majority of the traveller community
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Replica Bags Wholesale Mr Davies told the BBC that recent research conducted by the charity revealed that 91% of the traveller community “experienced discrimination”.He called on the government to promote equality.”Criminalising stopping is unhelpful and will only aggravate issues experienced by gypsies, Roma and Irish Travellers whilst ensuring even poorer relations with the rest of society,” he said.Police chief on ‘anger’ over travellersDitch dug to stop travellers returningMP’s bid to curb illegal traveller replica bags china sitesLeading the debate on Gypsies and travellers in the Commons on Monday, former Tory minister Andrew Selous said the “time for endless, constant reviews is over”.But Mr Selous said people who were seeing “atrocious living conditions in their areas, which often become ungoverned space where modern slavery and other crime flourishes, want action now”.A traveller’s viewMy name is Debbie Saunders. I am a Romany Gypsy. I have lived in a trailer (caravan) all my life.My family and myself have travelled through England for many years, but now, sadly, it seems the people who run our government and the people I call my countrymen want this stopped.The doors of England are open to every culture, every colour and every creed that is, unless you are a Gypsy or traveller, then you are not welcome.I’m faced with hatred and racism every day of my life and then I get told it’s not racist because Gypsies aren’t a race.Clear up costs were around 350,000, he said, with 250 tonnes of litter cleared from one encampment.He said current policy was failing both traveller and settled communities.”The whole situation is a complete disgrace in the United Kingdom in 2018, and government ministers and replica bags online officials responsible for this policy area should be hanging their heads in shame,” Mr Selous added.The government said the majority of the traveller community were law abiding.The Irish option Mr Selous and Mr Francois were among aaa replica bags those arguing for the government to emulate Ireland, which in 2002 made deliberate trespass a criminal offence.The knock on effect of this change has been that more travellers have arrived in England from Ireland, as “we are regarded as something of a soft touch”, Mr Francois added Replica Bags Wholesale.
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